ARTICLES OF Marion Joubert

San Juan
23 Jul, 2018 | Marion Joubert
Illustration: Oscar ZallesThe festival that rose from the ashesThe night is particularly freezing, but I wouldn’t advise you start a fire to warm up. On a night like this, a 24th of June, you risk a f...

Reinaldo Chávez Maydana
21 Jun, 2018 | Marion Joubert
Image: Courtesy of Reinaldo Chávez MaydanaCombining Bolivian tradition and mystic symbolism, the artist captures the sublimeHow can three simple dots – two for the eyes and one for the mouth – express...

Project Kallpa
21 Jun, 2018 | Marion Joubert
Photos: Marion JoubertThe road to strength is paved with artWho are these young girls, sitting quietly around a table and drawing animals that represent them? Who are these teenagers or mothers who es...